MBC News Magazine

MBC News Magazine

Thanks for your contributions to MBC News issue 204. The next copy deadline is October 1st 2024 for inclusion in the November 2024 issue 205.

We are always looking for delivery volunteers especially for the growing area near the new Milltimber School and the ever-expanding Countesswells area. If you'd like to help out the MBC News Team please get in touch with us at mbcndistribution@cbmcommunity.org.uk

The MBC News is a free, community magazine for the Milltimber, Bieldside and Cults, area and is a voluntary organisation which has been in existence for over 40 years. The magazine is compiled and professionally published by Gazette Magazines and a team of volunteers and is funded by advertising.   MBC News is distributed free of charge to almost 5,000 homes and businesses in the MBC area and also to homes in the growing, new development at Countesswells.   It is published 4 times each year and is delivered by a team of volunteers to each household in the area as far as is possible. 


The editorial team are always keen to receive contributions from residents, be they articles about local events and activities, community issues, historical connections, poems or just humorous stories. We have a section on local events so that residents can read what is going on and if you are planning something, be it a one off event or a regular activity, please let us know. We are always looking for local, quirky cover photos too!


The MBC News Magazine is entirely funded by advertising revenue and so we are very appreciative of the large and small, local businesses that support us year on year. The magazine is a valuable resource for residents to find local services whether that may be a painter, an estate agent. a pharmacy or even a good school.

If your business is interested in advertising in the MBC News Magazine to reach 5.500 households in the Cults, Bieldside, Milltimber and Countesswells areas please get in touch.  You can find out more details about our pricing and available sizes on the right.


A small team of volunteers compile the MBC News Magazine which includes editing, advertising, local event listings, distribution and invoicing not to mention management of our webpage & social media. It is professionally published by Gazette Magazines, printed then 125 volunteers of aged from 15 to 80+ deliver the magazine door to door throughout Cults, Milltimber, Bieldside and Coutesswells in all seasons. Our delivery team appreciation party is an enjoyable fixture in our social calendar. New homes in the area are being occupied weekly and the number of copies distributed grows steadily.

Read the latest issue online:

204 Aug - Oct 2024
203 May - Jul 2024
202 Feb - Apr 2024
201 Nov '23 - Jan '24
200 Aug - Oct 2023
199 May - Jul 2023
198 Feb - Apr 2023
197 Nov '22 - Jan '23
196 Aug - Oct 2022
195 May - Jul 2022
194 Feb - Apr 2022
193 Nov '21 - Jan '22
192 Aug - Oct 2021
191 May - Jul 2021
190 Feb - Apr 2021
189 Nov '20 - Jan '21
188 Aug - Oct 2020
187 May - Jul 2020
186 Feb - Apr 2020
185 Nov '19 - Jan '20
184 Aug - Oct 2019
183 May - Jul 2019
182 Feb - Apr 2019
181 Nov '18 - Jan '19
180 Aug - Oct 2018
179 May - Jul 2018
178 Feb - Apr 2018
177 Nov '17 - Jan '18
176 Aug - Oct 2017
175 May - Jul 2017
174 Feb - Apr 2017
173 Nov '16 - Jan '17
172 Aug - Oct 2016
171 May - Jul 2016
170 Feb - Apr 2016
169 Nov '15 - Jan '16
168 Aug - Oct 2015
167 May - Jul 2015
166 Feb - Apr 2015
165 Nov '14 - Jan '15
164 Aug - Oct 2014
163 May - Jul 2014
162 Feb - Apr 2014
161 Nov '13 - Jan '14
160 Aug - Oct 2013
159 May - Jul 2013
158 Feb - Apr 2013
157 Nov '12 - Jan '13
156 Aug - Oct 2012
155 May - Jul 2012
154 Feb - Apr 2012
153 Nov '11 - Jan '12
152 Aug - Oct 2011
151 May - Jul 2011
150 Feb - Apr 2011
149 Nov '10 - Jan '11
148 Aug - Oct 2010
147 May - Jul 2010
146 Feb - Apr 2010
145 Nov '09 - Jan '10
144 Aug - Oct 2009
143 May - Jul 2009
142 Feb - Apr 2009