More Blooms in Cults Bieldside & Milltimber

More Blooms In Cults Bieldside Milltimber

The More Blooms in Cults, Bieldside and Milltimber (MBCBM) project is an ongoing community initiative, managed by Cyril Bruce-Cathline, and helped by a number of volunteers.  Twenty-four hanging baskets were purchased from Cove Bay Nurseries and installed by volunteers at various lampposts along the North Deeside Road in Cults and Bieldside.  These are maintained and watered throughout the summer by volunteers. As well as the hanging baskets, the MBCBM try to maintain displays in 15 tubs and planters in Cults,  11 in Bieldside and 5 in Milltimber.

We are limited in many cases by the accessibility of planters and cannot obstruct pavements which in many cases are relatively narrow.  However, our main constraint is funding so please consider helping as at the moment the coffers are not looking good for displays in 2025 and beyond. How might you help?   Donations are always welcome.   After all,  £1,500 is only 300 times a fiver. With over 5,000 households in the area, it is hoped that this might be achievable.   If you have liked what you have seen these past few years and would like the programme to continue please consider a small donation. Larger donations are also welcome!!