Community Plan


The community council believe that our community should be engaged in a continuous conversation on how we want our living environment to develop in the future. Change is unavoidable and is an essential part of an interesting life but we should not sit back and let outsiders decide what should change in our area. We should have a generally accepted view of how to protect and enhance the local quality of life in the best possible way. The following pages present a consolidated CBM Community Plan covering most aspects of life in our area. The aim of this plan is to give an overview of the community, to reflect the views of the local community as to desirable developments, highlight potential developments which are considered undesirable and to identify issues that need further exploration. Depending on the issue, the view could be as long as the period covered by the City and Shire Strategic Development Plan, i.e. the next twenty years.

This Community Plan is designed to be a dynamic web-based document with information and views obtained through a variety of means, including meetings (CC and other groups), questionnaires and social media but updated as and when necessary. It will form the basis for any responses from and proposals by the community council. We want you to keep us right by contributing your views now and in the future using the consultation channels given on the contents page.

It is not the first time that residents have been invited to share their views on developments in their neighbourhoods. In the past varied consultation exercises were run whenever the City was preparing a new Local Development Plan. These exercises age quickly and are difficult to retrieve/update as circumstances change. Digital technology will overcome these problems. The new Planning Act has also caught on with this idea and requires that communities be invited (and assisted) to produce a Local Place Plan that will be taken into account when preparing the Local Development Plan and when deciding on planning applications. Local Place Plans are solely concerned with the development and use of land and buildings and hence ours can be a subset of this Community Plan.

This is an exciting long-term project that will hopefully generate many new ideas for our area. We also may need to refresh our views of the shape of our living environment to optimize our quality of life in the aftermath of the COVID19 pandemic. By testing new ideas against recent values and trends in an open forum we will hopefully be able to maintain a workable Plan – i.e. a solid, generally accepted and always up-to-date basis to respond to environmental initiatives and challenges in our part of the world.


Guus Glass
Chair, CBMCC

If you would like to comment please add them below or click here to open a response sheet file which can be sent to or by post to CBMCC at:  188 North Deeside Road, Milltimber, AB13 0HL.  All comments,  however received,  will be collated anonymously and acted upon as appropriate.  Your identity will not be disclosed.

Thank You

1 thought on “Community Plan”

  1. I am aware from the CBMCC magazine that you are interested in comments relative to the CBM Community Plan. The biggest issue in the community remains the very poor road connections south from the North Deeside Road. In particular, the not-fit-for-purpose existing roads at Pitfodels Station Road and Westerton Road. The idea of a new road running between North Deeside Road and Inchgarth Road should be fully supported.

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