CBM Community Council Planning Reports

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Community Resilience Plan

Click here to view the Resilience Plan and accompanying Appendix N. The plan is a long document and we hope to make it more interactive in future.

Community Plan

The community council believe that our community should be engaged in a continuous conversation on how we want our living environment to develop in the future. Change is unavoidable and … Read more

Community Plan

The Community Plan is a “Living Document” which will be updated from time to time.  Find out more here. The current Version 3 was issued in February 2021 and can … Read more


Colin Morsley is our CBMCC Planning Liaison Officer.  His brief, together with those in the Planning Sub-Group, is to receive information about any planning issues regarding e.g. new build,  extensions,  … Read more

CBMCC Meeting Documents

The Agenda for forthcoming  CBMCC meetings or Minutes of Meetings held may be seen by clicking on the appropriate heading below. Go to the Planning Page for Planning Reports.

CBMCC Meetings

CBMCC meetings are held on the FOURTH Thursday of each month, except for July and December when there is no meeting.  Meetings are intended to be held as below, alternating … Read more

Community Councillors

Community Councillors, City Councilllors and Associate Members FunctionNameArea RepresentedContact No.Primary Responsibilities ChairmanGuus GlassCults01224 864925Chair, Health and Social Care, Resilience Planning Vice Chairman/ Planning Liaison OfficerColin MorsleyMilltimber01224 733108Planning Liaison, Roads and … Read more

CBM Community Council

Community Councils are statutory bodies, set up by an Act of Parliament.  They have no executive powers although being close to and part of the local community they play a … Read more