Walk 10. Walk at Bieldside

This is a short walk at Newton Dee in Bieldside. It starts at the Old Ferry Road in Bieldside, signposted “Newton Dee”. Parking is available in an unmarked lay-by on the North Deeside Road, about 50 metres beyond the turning on to Old Ferry Road. The route is also accessible from the Deeside Way, so the walk can be extended by including a section of the Deeside Way to approach it either from Cults or Milltimber. Another extension is to go down to the river and back before going through the gate leading to the path round the farm.
Walk Details
- Grade: Easy.
- Terrain: Tarmac road, unsurfaced track and paths, which can be muddy after wet weather.
- Distance: 1 mile. 1.6 km
- Time: Allow ½ hour.
- Waymarked: No.
- GPX: Yes
Go down Old Ferry Road, past the entrance to Newton Dee Shop and Cafe, until you reach a small roundabout. Go straight ahead here on an unsignposted, unsurfaced track leading down towards the River Dee. Continue on the track through woods until just before it reaches open land, where there is a gate on your left. If you want to go to the river continue staight ahead and then return to this point.
Go through the gate and follow the path rising through the woods with views over the golf course. You may see roe deer here. The path skirts the farm on your left and reachs a tarmac roadway, with small fields on either side usally containing chickens and pigs. Continue on the road which goes up, through a residential area, towards the Deeside Way.
At a couple of junctions on the way up, there are footpaths enabling you to get off the road.
When you reach the Deeside Way, you can either walk along it to reach the Old Ferry Road and your starting point, or you can go up Golf Road, which leads from the Golf Club up to the North Deeside Road.
You can visit Newton Dee cafe, open Tuesday to Saturday and/or the shop. Details of the opening hours can be found on the Newton Dee website www.newtondee.co.uk