Submit an Article or Photograph

The MBC News always welcome articles and photographs of interest to local residents for inclusion in the magazine.  Articles should be submitted as a Word document and pictures should be submitted separately as high-resolution image files (.jpg or .png) rather than being incorporated into the body of the text. Please send your articles and photos to for us to review or you can use the upload form on the right. If you have multiple files to upload, please upload one at a time.

Usual Copy Deadlines:

• 7 Jan (for February delivery)
• 1 April (for May delivery)
• 1 July (for Aug delivery)
• 1 Oct (for November delivery)

Cover Photo:

Are you a keen photographer and enjoy snapping scenes from the local area? We are always on the look out for images which capture the character and changes of our local area throughout the seasons. Please send your photos to for our magazine's front cover. Photos must be portrait orientation and be submitted as a print quality .pdf file or as a high-resolution image file (min 300 dpi). For large files you can use the upload form on the right or a file transfer website such as WeTransfer.

Send us an article or photo (one file per upload)