What parents need to know about COVID-19
Here is some advice from RCPCH – the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health – and Healthier Together.
COVID-19 appears to generally cause mild illness in children. Less than 2 in every 100 cases diagnosed in China have been in children and infection appears to be milder in children than it is in adults, although we do not yet understand exactly why this is the case.
However, at this time, when everyone is preoccupied with COVID-19, it’s really important to realise that not every illness your child has is due to COVID-19. All the ‘normal’ infections that can make children and babies really unwell still remain and there is a major risk that parents may delay bringing their child to the attention of a healthcare professionals even if they are unwell. If you are not sure if your child is unwell and whether they need to be seen by someone, look at this link;
Coronavirus COVID-19 Community Help Scheme
Helping people at increased risk
We know that many people are providing ad hoc support to friends and neighbours. Please continue to do this; it is so important. As a community council, we want to provide a support mechanism both to identify people who may fall in to the gaps and to ensure that everyone at increased risk is known and monitored.
Registering as a person at increased risk
Please use the form you find here: [https://forms.gle/h8VaSra9eAEMEJzw9].
You can also access the form on cultercc.org.uk/resilience. This is the site of our neighbouring CC but all information related to the CBM area will be handled by the CBMCC Coronavirus Help Group.
Make sure there is a little padlock to the left of the address. This ensures secure access.
If you do not have a computer or smartphone or have difficulty finding the form you can either:
– Phone 01224 869028.
There may be an answering machine but can also try the mobile phone back up 07736232119
– Ask someone you trust to do it for you. This person will also have to record their own details.
When we first make contact we will confirm all these details.
If you know someone who may be at increased risk, please contact them to explain this scheme and ask if they would like to register. You can then record the details on their behalf.
Next steps
The immediate need is to compile these registers, with appropriate safeguards in place. The initial monitoring will take the form of a daily phone call from one of our volunteers. The security word (password) used to register will be very important, as the volunteers will use this to confirm that the call is genuine. If you receive a call from a stranger claiming to be from the Coronavirus Help Group and they do not use the password, please hang up.
On the first call by a volunteer to the resident, they will introduce themselves and quote the agreed password. They will then verify the details on the form. On every subsequent call they must quote the password to validate they are genuine.
Thanks for the great response to the request for volunteers to help those isolating due to the Coronavirus infection (see item above). Many people have registered as volunteers in the past days. Thank you for doing this. If there are any more who want to offer their help please contact the following depending on your location:
Residents in Cults – Guus Glass at GuusGlass@talktalk.net
Residents in Bieldside – Peter Roberts at roberts.peter53@gmail.com
Residents in Milltimber – Colin Morsley at cc@candnmorsley.f9.co.uk
Coronavirus COVID-19 – Aberdeen City Council Operations- May 2020
The UK and Scottish Governments have announced restrictions on the movement of people. The information on the Aberdeen City Council page is being updated accordingly and you can find guidance on how council services are impacted by using this link.
General information
For the latest Scottish Government update, see Coronavirus in Scotland
For general information about COVID-19, visit NHS Inform using the link. If you think that you or someone you know might have COVID-19, visit the NHS self help guide
Emergency helpline
Aberdeen City Council has launched a free emergency telephone helpline to prioritise support to its most vulnerable and at-risk customers during the coronavirus outbreak.
The number, 0800 0304 713, will be staffed from 8am-6pm Monday to Friday from Tuesday 24 March until further notice. It is for those hit hardest and unable to obtain help from their existing support networks.
The team are ready to provide welfare and financial advice and support, including what to do if you are struggling to get food or pay bills.
Council services
In response to the latest government advice on the coronavirus, Aberdeen City Council has taken a number of steps to prevent further spread of the virus; protect employee and public health; and to ensure we can continue to deliver public services, especially to those who need us most. Find out more at the Aberdeen City Council website using this link
Information is being shared regularly and here are some recent information releases which you read by clicking the link:
New physical distancing measures to make city centre safe. See details here.
Council recycling centres to open 1 June 2020: see the details using this link
Changes to waste and recycling schemes – We are now pleased to tell you that mixed recycling and brown bin collections are to resume although your collection dates will change. Use the link to check the collection calendar.
General waste bins will continue to be emptied fortnightly.
Collections of mixed recycling and brown bins will be collected separately as follows:
- Brown bins will be collected weeks beginning 6 April and 13 April;
- Mixed recycling bins will be collected weeks beginning 20 April and 27 April;