MBC News Deadline – April 1st

Thank you to all our local organisations and advertisers for their contributions to our last Issue 206. It will be coming through our letterboxes in a couple of weeks.

The next copy deadline is on April 1st, so please send in your news, articles, photos and adverts to us by then.

For more information on formats and how and where to send your content, please visit https://www.cbmcommunity.org.uk/mbc-news/.

2 thoughts on “MBC News Deadline – April 1st”

  1. Hi,

    Nico from Camphill School Aberdeen (Murtle Market) here.

    Wondered if it would be possible to get a wee extension for a quarter of a page ad submission beyond 7th Jan? We have just returned to works and may take us a bit longer than the set de3adline to produce the art and wording.

    Please get back to me at the earliest convenience.



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